The Bondage of Pride.  The Freedom of Humility…Stay Humble

I do not know about you but in this timing of my life I am fully committed in deepening my relationship with God. I am fully committed in being loyal to God, spending time with God and repenting unto God, and allowing quiet time to hear from God. I am not taking a long time anymore to get on my knees or beat my chest and say Lord forgive me; Have mercy on me. There are somethings in my life that are just not negotiable anymore.  I do not do drama, and I want to please God.  I want our relationship to be pleasurable. How does that happen?  That happens on the bases of communication.

When you think of a relationship whether it is a friendship or something that will grow to happily ever after, it starts with communication. It starts with getting to know that person, understanding what moves and drives that person. In addition, its also understanding things that they like and dislike. Now for me, I am not a fan of chocolate cake, but if you bring me some crème brulee, I am very happy. I am not a fan of skittles, but if you bring me some gummy bears- I am over the top happy.

The same holds true in our relationship to God.  You get to grow together, laugh together, cry together but also the sensitivity and the understanding of boundaries, respect and what pleases him. One thing I know about God’s character, and I hope you also can attest to this also, is that His love runs deep. We know that God gave his only begotten son that we may have life and have it more abundantly. His love is truly unconditional, and we will never be able to fully comprehend the depth of that love. I also know he is a giver, and a rewarder, and according to Psalm 86:15 David reminds us that the Lord is a compassionate and gracious God, slow to anger and abounding in faithful love and truth.

However, on the flip side in growing in my relationship with God, I am aware of the things he does not like. According to Proverbs 6: 16-19 the Lord hates six things in fact seven are detestable to him, and when you have time you can read that list in full, but one of the things on the list is arrogance and pride.  

The bible goes on to tell us in Proverbs 16:18 that pride comes before destruction, and an arrogant spirit before a fall. Better to be lowly in spirit with the humble, than to divide plunder with the proud.

Just take a moment to say to yourself, “Stay humble.”

This is resonating in my spirit so powerfully because its easy to get caught up.  When you get that promotion, when the million-dollar grant comes through for your nonprofit, when you build that dream home, drive that dream car, and become debt free, oh its easy to start feeling yourself. 

When you start speaking on bigger stages, and sitting at the table with people in high places it doesn’t take much for pride to sneak in. When your child gets a full ride to college on scholarships, or your child or grandchild just graduates from medical school or law school its easy to start feeling yourself.  When you can see the degrees on your wall, and people start singing your praises and telling you how good you are at what you do, and you might be just that good, but be careful not to crack the window of pride, because only by the grace of God there go I.

Its easy to get caught up. You have thousands of followers on social media, and every time you turn around someone is bragging on you and giving you compliments. You may be the first to make history in your family, community, or gender, but remember to stay humble. They sung David praises! In 1 Samuel 18:7 it says, “And the women sang to one another, and they made merry saying Saul has killed his thousands and David his ten thousands.” If they did it in the bible, it also holds true today. No matter how often people sing your praises, remember to stay humble.

Some people become prideful not over material things, but the fact that they can say I never spent a night in jail, or never had to battle with drugs or alcohol – be careful!  Others who have gone through some tragic and horrific life experiences and God has elevated them beyond their wildest dreams now has become prideful as if people and God owe them something; be careful.

I have never seen anything like it.  We live in a world where people do what they want, when they want, how they want, say what they want, and even will deceive you to get what they want. There is no humility, no boundaries, no respect, and our world is in utter chaos. The demise, the destruction, and the delayed blessings of God, I believe can at times stem from the root of pride. Its hard for God to maximize you in your purpose and expand your territory when you are arrogant; Too prideful to admit when you are wrong, too prideful to admit perfect patty messed up, too prideful to forgive yourself or others. You have all the answers, not open to listing to others, everything you say is right.  We are living in some scary times.

 I am here to be that voice, this girl from Baltimore, MD (Eastside) who loves the Lord,  to remind you and myself, that no matter how high we go, no matter how green the grass is on this side or the other side, no matter the praises and the accolades, remember to stay humble. The Bondage of Pride.  The Freedom of Humility…Stay Humble!!

The Bible says in 1 John 2:16, “For all that is in the world the lust of the flesh, and the lust of the eyes, and the pride of life is not of the father- but is of the world.”

Being humble is not just about the opposite of pride or arrogance, but it’s also about lifestyle. The lifestyle of a believer that deepens his or her relationship with God. If you do not do anything else this year, you need to pray and ask God to surround you with humble people. Why, because humble people are blessed people of God.

They may not say much, brag or boast, they may not drive much or live in a mansion, but they have the ability, capacity, and resources to take you to they next level in your purpose. They may be sitting back, observing, and watching your lifestyle, your attitude, and your behavior.  They are willing and ready to be your destiny helper, but if you have a lifestyle of pride, you will miss your blessing. Remember, we are to humble ourselves under the mighty hand of God and He will lift us in due season. (James 4:10-11). Humility is not just an act; it is a lifestyle.

There is bondage in pride, but freedom in humility.  Do you still not believe me? The bible says in James 4:6-7, “God resists the proud but gives grace to the humble. Therefore, submit to God, resist the devil and he will flee from you.” I wish you could see me shouting right now, stay humble!!! Grace is the basis of our Christian faith; we believe we are saved by faith through grace. Grace is the underserved, unmerited favor of God. Grace is not earned it is freely given. I don’t know about you, but I don’t want God to resist me, or to refrain from giving me what He so desires to give. Humility is not a sign of weakness; it is a sign of wealth!! When we are humble, God freely gifts us with the grace, the unmerited favor of God, and it’s the gift that keeps on giving.

The bible tells us in Luke 14:11 that those who humble themselves will be exalted. In addition, Colossians 3:12 tells us to clothe ourselves with humility.

I want to leave you with three things-

  1. When you stay humble, God will increase your wages.  The bible says in Proverbs 22:4 “Humility is the fear of the Lord, its wages are riches, honor and life.”
  2. When you stay humble God will increase your wisdom- The bible says in Proverbs 11:2 “When pride comes, then comes disgrace, but with humility comes wisdom.”
  3. When you stay humble God will testify about you! In the book of Acts when Paul did his sermon in Antioch he talked about David, and God’s testimony concerning David.   We know David had many flaws, but one thing is certain; David was humble.  It says in Acts 13:22, “After removing Saul God raised up David as their king and testified about him. “I have found David the son of Jesse to be a man after my own heart who will carry out all my will.”

May the Lord increase your wages, may the Lord increase your wisdom, may the Lord testify about you because no matter the suffering or the glory, you remained humble.

Live Life on The Promise of IMPACT!

Min. Carenda Deonne

Carenda Dedonne