The honorable Viola Davis is the third African American woman to win an Emmy, Grammy, Oscar and Tony (EGOT) award and the eighteenth EGOT recipient! The incredible actor had the privilege of taking home a Grammy for best audiobook, narration, and storytelling recording for her 2022 memoir entitled Finding Me! In Davis’ EGOT acceptance speech concerning Finding Me, “I wrote this book to honor six year old Viola. To honor her life. Her joy. Her trauma, everything. And it has been such a journey. I just EGOT!” 

Ms. Davis said that this EGOT status has left her emotional! She believes that this would have made her younger self happy and well pleased! Following the win, CBS News reports the phenomenal and extraordinary actor’s interview answers as “My life has really come full circle,” “I wrote this book because I was trying to reconcile my life, I was trying to honor the young Viola. I wanted her to be excited at the 57-year-old she gets to become and this is just the icing on the cake.”

Davis’ memoir indicates that it’s important to at some point in life stop running from your past but face reality and find one’s identity. She is a testament that an individual can overcome the most difficult circumstances through perseverance and the determination to succeed! Individuals have the choice to find oneself. Knowing your identity, self worth and value are important to Davis and should be important to us all! Failing to know oneself can cause one’s life to be frustrating and chaotic. 

Viola Davis’ EGOT status and many other accomplishments are an inspiration to me! She’s a witness that you don’t have to stay where you came from! You can work hard to achieve and succeed beyond what you experience. We can learn from Ms. Davis that it’s never too late to be what you want to be and do what you want to! All of us have the ability and opportunity to reach high statues in our life! I’m working towards everything that belongs to me! What about you? 

Davis’s memoir Finding Me can be found on Amazon or Audible. 

Brittani Brice