10 Tips on Setting Ideas To Practice Self-Care at Work

Setting realistic expectations for yourself is an important part of practicing self-care at work. Here are some examples of realistic expectations to help you stay focused and productive:

  1. Set a daily or weekly to-do list with achievable goals and prioritize tasks based on importance.
  2. Break down large projects into smaller, manageable chunks in order to make progress more achievable.
  3. Take regular breaks throughout the day to give yourself time to recharge and refocus.
  4. Have a plan for how you will handle any potential conflict or pushback when setting boundaries with someone else in the workplace or outside of it (eg., family).
  5. Ask for help when needed; delegating tasks can be beneficial if it becomes overwhelming trying to do everything yourself.
  6. Regularly review your progress against your goals and adjust accordingly if necessary – i.e., don’t expect too much of yourself in one go!
  7. Recognize that perfection isn’t the goal – strive for excellence, not perfectionism!.
  8. Make sure you’re taking adequate breaks throughout the day, whether it’s getting up from your desk to walk around, stretching, or just sitting quietly in meditation – these moments of respite are vital for maintaining productivity levels.
  9. Schedule meetings with other teams/departments so that everyone is aware of their respective responsibilities and deadlines.
  10. Set limits on how often you check emails or respond to messages outside of normal working hours: this will help prevent burnout and allow you more time for restful activities such as reading, exercising, etc., during off hours instead of constantly being connected to work obligations all the time!

Curtis Lawrence