Rawcel Cooks and Davy Brown of ZupaNova discuss the inspiration behind “ZupaLove.”

Insight Magazine had the pleasure of sitting down with Rawcel Cooks and Davy Brown of ZupaNova to discuss their latest single release, “ZupaLove,” and the message behind it.

Insight: Can you tell us a little bit about the inspiration behind “ZupaLove”?

Rawcel: We wrote “ZupaLove” as a reminder that love triumphs over hate and that we all have the power to make a positive impact on the lives of others. We wanted to spread a message of unity, kindness, diversity, authenticity, and positivity through our music.

Davy: We also wanted to use our platform to give back to communities in need. Our official music video plays an integral role in helping those less fortunate.

Insight: You both have had a lot of success over the past couple of years. How does it feel to have your music recognized and appreciated worldwide?

Rawcel: It’s honestly a dream come true. We never thought that our music would reach so many people and have such a positive impact on their lives. We feel truly grateful to have such amazing fans and supporters.

Davy: We also feel humbled by the opportunity to collaborate with other amazing artists and musicians. Our recent performance at Mayfest 2023 with Iakopo and Arii Brazil was a highlight for us.

Insight: What can fans expect from ZupaNova in the future?

Rawcel: We have so much in the works right now. We’re currently in the process of recording our next album, which we’re really excited about. We also have plans to continue our work with communities in need through mentorship and giving back.

Davy: And of course, we’ll continue to spread our message of love and positivity through our music. We hope to inspire others to do the same.

Insight: Thank you both so much for taking the time to speak with me. It’s been a pleasure getting to know more about the message behind “ZupaLove”.

Rawcel and Davy: Thank you! It’s been great chatting with you.

Keep up with them on social media @zupanova and download “ Zupa Love “ on all streaming platforms.

Kamaya Tarpley